08 April 2011

Made Me Smile

Sometimes the most random-est things make me smile.
Take this evening for example.
I was sitting on the Healthline bus, listening to my MP3 player and reading the latest edition of Somerset Studios.  The bus was stopped at a light just before an underpass.  As I glanced up, I saw a train engine coming  over the over-pass, which was enough to make me smile, right there.  ( I love trains!)  But, what REALLY made me smile was the long line of bright green with yellow trim John Deere harvesters that followed behind it.  A virtual farm equiptment parade!
2006 JOHN DEERE 9660 STS2006 JOHN DEERE 9660 STS2006 JOHN DEERE 9660 STS2006 JOHN DEERE 9660 STS2006 JOHN DEERE 9660 STS

I guess it doesn't take much to amuse me...

06 April 2011

Searching for Inspiration

In my quest to create a God-honoring art piece for Easter, I have spent a little time surfing the net for ideas and encouragement. It has been exciting and thrilling to see the vast number of artists who are Followers of Christ.

Very Inspiring Video! 

After thinking and praying and reading over Scripture, I deciding to start my project.  I have decided to create a collage  which will depict "Christ on the Cross".  I've begun decoupaging the background with slips of the local White Pages.  This represents "the world" that God so loved that He gave His only Son... (John 3:16a).  Below are pictures of me beginning my project.