08 April 2011

Made Me Smile

Sometimes the most random-est things make me smile.
Take this evening for example.
I was sitting on the Healthline bus, listening to my MP3 player and reading the latest edition of Somerset Studios.  The bus was stopped at a light just before an underpass.  As I glanced up, I saw a train engine coming  over the over-pass, which was enough to make me smile, right there.  ( I love trains!)  But, what REALLY made me smile was the long line of bright green with yellow trim John Deere harvesters that followed behind it.  A virtual farm equiptment parade!
2006 JOHN DEERE 9660 STS2006 JOHN DEERE 9660 STS2006 JOHN DEERE 9660 STS2006 JOHN DEERE 9660 STS2006 JOHN DEERE 9660 STS

I guess it doesn't take much to amuse me...


Relyn Lawson said...

Just the thought of that parade makes me smile, too.