~ 1 Thessalonians 5:18
DAY #1
I've decided to live a thankful life.
Now, I generally live thankfully. There are many things - so many things in my life that I have to be thankful for. I am thankful for friends - whether I know them in person, or if they are my cyber-friends. Relyn and Sharon both expressed their concern for me when I didn't blog for months. It's nice to be missed!
I am thankful for the change in seasons in Cleveland. Yesterday was the first day I felt I needed to wear boots and my "big" coat. It didn't really snow then, but today we had a little more snow that covered the grassy areas. I don't know why it is, but snow - at this time of year - makes me smile. I was on Public Square at 6:45 am this morning taking pictures of the Christmas lights as the snow came down. I was thankful for the new gloves I bought yesterday that have the fingers cut off of them and a retractable "flap" so I can do things with my hands (like snap pictures in the snow) and keep them warm at the same time.
What better time to reflect on things to be thankful for then the period between Thanksgiving and New Year's. You are welcomed to join me on this adventurous journey!

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